Thiencarbazone-methyl 噻酮磺隆


thiencarbazone-methyl 噻酮磺隆

噻酮磺隆(thiencarbazone-methyl)为磺酰氨基羰基三唑啉酮类除草剂,是乙酰乳酸合成酶抑制剂。2008年8月在罗马尼亚取得登记,这是该产品首次在全球获准登记,噻酮磺隆以Adengo商品名在罗马上市。随后,噻酮磺隆在美国登记。其三元复配产品Adengo [噻酮磺隆+异噁唑草酮(isoxaflutole)+新安全剂cyprosulfamide] 于2009年在美国、阿根廷和欧盟市场销售。公司预测噻酮磺隆的年峰值销售额将超过1亿欧元(1.475亿美元)。这是拜耳公司2007年以来继玉米田除草剂tembotrion和小谷粒谷物除草剂pyrasulfotole之后第3个迈入市场的新除草剂,是拜耳公司计划2008―2012年引进市场的后期开发的4个新除草剂之一。
噻酮磺隆是可有效防除玉米田禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草,在叶面应用和残留作用间显示了很好的平衡。该有效成分可有效防除苘麻(Abutilon theophrasti)和许多石竹科杂草,芽前和芽后早期都可使用。安全剂cyprosulfamide加速了该除草剂在玉米作物中的降解,提高了作物的耐受力。公司的目标是,通过使用新安全剂技术开发产品来进一步发展其在除草剂市场的领先地位,尤其是在玉米除草剂市场的地位。
拜耳公司指出:噻酮磺隆(thiencarbazone-methyl)在8g ai/ha的剂量下便可有效防除玉米田杂草,然而,公司开发该产品的推荐用量是:芽后施用,剂量将增至15g ai/ha;芽前使用剂量将达37g ai/ha。

IUPAC化学名:甲基4-[(4,5-二氢-3-甲氧基-4-甲基-5-氧代-1H-1,2,4- 三唑-1-基)羰基磺酰胺]-5-甲基噻吩-3-羧酸乙酯
CAS 编号:317815-83-1
注:该物质是的衍生thiencarbazone [936331-72-5]。

pH值:3.8 (22.4ºC)
密度:1.51 (相对于4ºC的水)
水溶性 (20°C):
72 mg / L的纯净水:172 mg / L (pH4);436mg / L(pH7);417mg / L(pH9)
乙醇0.23, 正己烷0.00015, 甲苯0.19, 二氯甲烷100-120, 丙酮9.54, 乙酸乙酯2.19, 二甲基亚砜29.15

辛醇/水分配系数,Log(KOW:-0.13 pH4,24°C;-1.98 pH7,24°C;-2.14 pH9,23°C
紫外/可见吸收光谱:在>290 nm没有显著的光吸收

哺乳动物 - 急性经口LD50(毫克/公斤):> 2000 (大鼠)
哺乳动物 - 经皮LD50(毫克/公斤体重):> 2000(大鼠)
哺乳动物 - 吸入半致死浓度(毫克/升):2.018 A5(大鼠),4小时(只从鼻孔吸入)
ADI - 每日允许摄入量:1.2大鼠(毫克/公斤体重/日),SF = 100

哺乳动物 - 急性经口LD50(毫克公斤):> 2000 大鼠
鸟类 - 急性LD50(毫克/公斤):> 2000 花脸齿鹑 (Colinus virginianus)
鸟类 - 短期膳食(LC50/LD50):24毫克/公斤体重/天,花脸齿鹑 (Colinus virginianus)Colinus的virginianus
鱼 - 急性96小时LC50(毫克毫克/升):104 虹鳟
21天鱼 - 慢性NOEC(毫克毫克/升):4.8 Pimehales 鲦
- 急性水生无脊椎动物48小时EC50(毫克/升):98.6 大型蚤
水生无脊椎动物 - 慢性21天NOEC(毫克/升):3.54大 型蚤
水生植物 - 急性7天EC50,生物量(毫克/升):0.0008 浮萍
藻类 - 急性72小时EC50(毫克/升),环比增长0.17 品种:Pseudokircheriella subcapitata
蜜蜂 - 急性48小时LD50(ug/蜜蜂):199 经口
蚯蚓 - 急性LC50(天毫克/公斤):> 1000 赤子爱胜蚓




用量:噻酮磺隆用于玉米播种前,出苗前或苗后除草,整个季节最大用量为45 克(有效成分)/公顷,安全间隔期(PHI)为45天,再施药间隔期(RTI)为14天。它也可以在春小麦出苗后进行一次性施药,剂量为50克(有效成分)/公顷,叶片的安全间隔期(PHI)为7天,麦粒及麦杆的安全间隔期(PHI)为60天。农作物施工可以使用
地面和空中设备。 噻酮磺隆也可以用于草坪和观赏植物,整个季节最大用量为45 克(有效成分)/公顷, 施用方法仅于地面设备,不允许通过灌溉系统施药。


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Status: modified ISO 1750 (published)
IUPAC: methyl 4-[(4,5-dihydro-3-methoxy-4-methyl-5-oxo-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)carbonylsulfamoyl]-5-methylthiophene-3-carboxylate
CAS: methyl 4-[[[(4,5-dihydro-3-methoxy-4-methyl-5-oxo-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]-5-methyl-3-thiophenecarboxylate
Reg. No.: 317815-83-1
Formula: C12H14N4O7S2
Activity: herbicides (triazolone herbicides)
Notes: This substance is a derivative of thiencarbazone [936331-72-5].
Pronunciation: thī-ěn-karb-a-zōn mē-thīl Guide to British pronunciation
InChI: InChI=1S/C12H14N4O7S2/c1-6-8(7(5-24-6)9(17)22-3)25(20,21)14-10(18)16-12(19)15(2)11(13-16)23-4/h5H,1-4H3,(H,14,18)

Physical state: White crystalline powder
Melting point: 206 ºC
pH: 3.8 at 22.4 ºC
Density: 1.51, relative to water at 4 ºC
Water solubility at 20°C:
72 mg/L in pure water
172 mg/L at pH 4
436 mg/L at pH 7
417 mg/L at pH 9

Solvent solubility at 20°C (g/L):
Ethanol 0.23
n-Hexane 0.00015
Toluene 0.19
Dichloromethane 100-120
Acetone 9.54
Ethyl acetate 2.19
Dimethyl sulfoxide 29.15

Vapor pressure: ~9 x 10-14 Pa (20 ºC, extrapolated)
Dissociation constant, pKa: 3.0
Octanol/water partition coefficient,Log(KOW):
-0.13 at pH 4, 24 °C;
-1.98 at pH 7, 24 °C;
-2.14 at pH 9, 23 °C
UV/visible absorption spectrum: No significant light absorbance at >290 nm

Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg kg-1) : > 2000 Rat
Mammals - Dermal LD50 (mg kg-1 body weight) : > 2000 Rat
Mammals - Inhalation LC50 (mg l-1) :> 2.018 A5 Rat, 4 hr (nose only)
ADI - Acceptable Daily Intake (mg kg-1bw day-1) :1.2 Rat, SF=100

Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg kg-1): > 2000 Rat
Birds - Acute LD50 (mg kg-1):> 2000 Colinus virginianus
Birds - Short term dietary (LC50/LD50): 24 mg kg-1 BW/day Colinus virginianus
Fish - Acute 96 hour LC50 (mg mg/l): > 104 Oncorhynchus mykiss
Fish - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg mg/l): 4.8 Pimehales Promelas
Aquatic invertebrates - Acute 48 hour EC50 (mg/l): > 98.6 Daphnia magna
Aquatic invertebrates - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg/l): 3.54 Daphnia magna
Aquatic plants - Acute 7 day EC50, biomass (mg /l): 0.0008 Lemna gibba
Algae - Acute 72 hour EC50, growth (mg /l): 0.17 Pseudokircheriella subcapitata
Honeybees - Acute 48 hour LD50 (ug. bee-1): > 199 Oral
Earthworms - Acute 14 day LC50 (mg kg-1): > 1000 Eisenia foetida

Mode of action: ALS inhibitor, systemic, absorbed by roots and leaves, contact and residual action

Application Sites: Thiencarbazone-methyl is registered for use on corn (field, sweet, pop), wheat, and turf and ornamentals in residential settings
Types of Formulations: Thiencarbazone-methyl Technical, 97.58% technical grade SC 450 Herbicide, 19.23% flowable concentrate formulation SC 450 Turf & Ornamental, 19.23% flowable concentrate formulation WG 63 Herbicide 21% water dispersable granule formulation WG 63 Turf & Ornamental, 21% water dispersable granule formulation
OD 70 Herbicide 1.0% oil dispersion formulation; SC 465 Herbicide 7.6% flowable concentrate formulation SC 547 Herbicide 5.6% flowable concentrate formulation
Application Methods
And Rates: Thiencarbazone-methyl may be applied to corn as preplant, preemergence, or postemergence applications at maximum total seasonal rates of 0.040 lb ai/A, with a 45-day preharvest interval (PHI) and a 14-day retreatment interval (RTI). It may also be applied as a single postemergence application to spring wheat at 0.0044 lb ai/A, with PHIs of 7 days for forage and hay and 60 days for grain and straw. Agricultural crop applications are allowed by ground and aerial equipment. Thiencarbazone-methyl may also be applied to turf and ornamentals at maximum total seasonal rates of 0.040 lb ai/A. Applications to turf and ornamentals are allowed only by ground equipment and are not permitted to be applied through irrigation systems.