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通用名称 苦参碱(matrine)。 商品名称 绿宝清、百草一号、绿宝灵、维绿特、碧绿 毒性 为低毒杀虫剂。原药大鼠急性经口、经皮 LD50 均>5000mg/?。对动物和鱼类安全。 理化性质 苦参碱是由中草药植物苦参的根、植株、果实经乙醇等有机溶剂提取制成的, 是生物碱,一般为苦参总碱,其主要成分有苦参碱、槐果碱、氧化槐果碱、槐定碱等多种生物碱,以苦参碱、氧化苦参碱含量最高。苦参碱纯品为白色粉末。 常用制剂 0.3% 苦参碱水剂、1% 苦参碱醇溶液、0.2% 苦参碱水剂、1.1% 苦参碱粉剂、1% 苦参碱可溶性液剂。 产品特点及防治对象 苦参碱是天然植物性农药, 对人畜低毒, 是广谱杀虫剂,具有触杀和胃毒作用。对各种作物上的黏虫、菜青虫、蚜虫、红蜘蛛有明显的防治效果。 豆科植物苦参Sophora flavescens Ait的干燥根。 英文名称:Matrine 苦参的生物学基本特性: 化学成分: 苦参碱在农业上的应用: 防治的主要害虫 |
Refer to <docbook-pesticides> for more data. Want more and better data of pesticides? Create your own ebook? Please visit: http://www.9ele.com/pesticide_en.html |
Matrine, a high-effective, safe and non-residual plant pesticide, is produced from many kinds of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs through industrialized refining.
It is effective in controlling all kinds of pests and sick fungus such as aphid, armyworm, red spider, cabbage caterpillars, American bollworm, whitefly, leaf miner and mildew, spot, rust, withered, rot etc. On cereal, cotton, fruit, vegetable, forest, tobacco, tea, flowers and plants and in the meantime, regulate the internal physiological mechanism plant. By spraying, it can promote crops' growing luxuriantly, increase output and improve quality; by dressing seeds, it make sure that the total young plants survive strongly; by using on the crops such as melon, fruit, vegetable and tea, etc. Which are edible directly, it has no residue on these crops and make them green foodstuff which have non-environmental pollution. Furthermore, the product can be used to control all kinds of fungus, ringworm and external parasite on livestock; it also can be used to dip livestock regularly so as to make their fur shiny and growing healthy and strong. Enviomentally it has no three wastes or pollution in the process of production. It has no poison, harmfulness or by effects on human beings, livestock and nature enemies of pests while using. It can kill eggs of pests in time and restrain the reproduction of pests by relying mainly on contact poisoning while making stomach poisoning subsidiary. No resistance will occur.
Method of application (0.3% WSC):
Precaution: 1. Not mix with any chemical pesticide while using Evergreen 0.3% WSC because it belongs to faintly acid pesticide. 2. Common dilution times are 800-1200, for small cabbage moth should be 500-600. Dilution times can be increased or decreased properly according to specific state of pests an fungus. 3. Store in shady, cool and ventilating place. Avoid storing in high temperature and burning sun. 4. Clean the spraying container before application. Shake evenly while using. The diluted liquor must be used once and the term of efficacy is seven days. 5. The diluted liquor should be sprayed totally and evenly so as to contact plants and pests well. If the first spraying is not even, re-spraying can be done.
Validity when stored in original package: 2 years |