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Isotianil异噻菌胺 中文通用名:异噻菌胺。 异噻菌胺(isotianil)是拜耳与住友化学共同研发用来防治稻瘟病的异噻唑类杀菌剂。它的特点在于其并不会对病原菌产生直接的抗菌作用,而是通过激发水稻自身对稻瘟病的天然防御机制1,达到抵抗稻瘟病的目的。拜耳公司指出, 这是第一个有诱导抗性效果的低使用量的活性成分实例2,这种环境友好的产品非常适合水稻生长过程的使用,另外还有一定的杀虫活性。2010年初,异噻唑胺在韩国上市,商品名为Routine(异噻菌胺+噻虫啉),随后将在亚洲的其他水稻种植国家上市。异噻菌胺是拜耳公司2008年到2012年之间上市的9个新活性成分之一。 特性和基本理化性质: 毒性: (更多产品相关内容,请见资料库本标题下方的附件列表) |
Refer to <docbook-pesticides> for more data. Want more and better data of pesticides? Create your own ebook? Please visit: http://www.9ele.com/pesticide_en.html |
isotianil Isotianil was discovered by Bayer AG (currently Bayer CropScience AG) in Germany as the result of an exhaustive search for isothiazole-based compounds. As with the known plant activators against rice blast, isotianil does not show antimicrobial activity against phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria, and it is considered that it demonstrates the action (plant disease resistance inducing activity) to activate the plant’s own protective function against Magnaporthe grisea. Common name : isotianil