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氯氟吡氧乙酸是内吸传导型苗后除草剂,药后很快被植物吸收,使敏感植物出现典型激素类除草剂的反应,植株畸形、扭曲,最终枯死。适用于小麦、大麦、玉米、葡萄、果园、牧场、林地、草坪等地防除阔叶杂草;如猪殃殃、卷茎蓼、马齿苋、龙葵、田旋花、蓼、苋等,对禾本科杂草无效。 英文名称:fluroxypyr 理化性质 使它隆纯品为白色结晶体,熔点232-233°C,25°C时蒸气压9.42×mmHg。20°C在水中的溶解度91PPm,在丙酮中41.6克/升,辛醇与水分分配系数为55:1。作为农药用的使它隆(1-甲基庚基酯)纯品,熔点56-57°C,25°C时,蒸汽压1.05×10-4mmHg。27.7°C时在水中溶解度0.9PPm,在丙酮中大于4%,在氟仿和二氯甲烷中大于50%。常温下贮存稳定期为两年。辛醇与水分配系数为6140:1。工业原药为具有肥皂气味的白色晶体。一般见到的制剂是20%使它隆乳油,由有效成分、乳化剂、溶剂等组成。外观为浅褐色或褐色液体,常温下贮存稳定期在2年以上。 特点 1.可防除猪殃殃、卷茎蓼、马齿苋、龙葵、繁缕、巢菜、田旋花、鼬瓣花、酸模叶蓼、柳叶刺蓼、反枝苋、鸭跖草、香薷、遏蓝菜、野豌豆、播娘蒿及小旋花等各种阔叶杂草,对禾本科和莎草科杂草无效。 使用方法 (1)防除麦田杂草:在冬小麦冬后返青期或分蘖盛期至拔节前期、春小麦3-5叶期、阔叶杂草2-4叶期,每亩用20%使它隆乳油50-66.7毫升,对水喷雾。 注意事项 1.施药时,在使它隆药液中加入喷药量0.2%的非离子表面活性剂,可提高药效。 |
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Fluroxypyr-methyl Herbicide NOMENCLATURE Common Name: Fluroxypyr-methyl 1-methylheptyl [(4-amino-3,5-dichloro-6-fluoro-2-pyridinyl)oxy]acetate CAS RN: [81406-37-3]
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF ACTIVE INGREDIENT Form: Off-white solid. M.p.: 58.2-60 ºC V.p.: 1.349x 10-3 mPa (20 ºC, Knudsen effusion); 2 x10-2 mPa (20 °C, method unspecified) KOW: logP = 4.53 (pH 5), 5.04 (pH 7) S.g./density: 1.322 Solubility: In water 0.09 mg/l. In acetone 867, methanol 469, ethyl acetate 792, dichloromethane 896, toluene 735, xylene 642, hexane 45 (all in g/l, 20 ºC). Stability: Stable under normal storage conditions; decomposes above m.p. Stable in visible light. Hydrolytic DT50 454 d (pH 7), 3.2 d (pH 9); stable at pH 5. Stable to aquatic photolysis. In natural waters, DT50 1-3 d.
SPECIFICATION Fluroxypyr-methyl 95%Tech, 20%EC
APPLICATION: Mode of action: Fluroxypyr is applied as fluroxypyr-meptyl. After predominantly foliar uptake, the ester is hydrolysed to the parent acid, which is the herbicidally active form, and translocated rapidly to other parts of the plants. Acts by inducing characteristic auxin-type responses, e.g. leaf curling. Uses: Fluroxypyr is effective by post-emergence foliar application, controlling a range of economically important broad-leaved weeds (including Galium aparine and Kochia spp.) in all small grain crops, and Rumex spp. and Urtica dioica in pastures. Directed applications are used against herbaceous and woody broad-leaved weeds in orchards (apple only) and plantation crops (rubber and oilpalm), and broad-leaved brush spp. in conifer forests. Post-emergence, broadcast applications of fluroxypyr in maize up to the 6-leaf stage of the crop are used for control of Calystegia sepium, Convolvulus arvensis and Solanum nigrum. The meptyl and 2-butoxy-1-methylethyl esters have similar activity, the advantage of the latter being the wider range of formulation options that are available. Applied at 180-400 g a.e./ha. Phytotoxicity: Non-phytotoxic to the crops for which its use is recommended. |